It’s mid-January, how many resolutions have I given up?

1, give or take.  The purpose of this blog post is not to be completely self-deprecating- but instead re-focus my efforts on more realistic ‘resolutions’ for the new year (or 350 days left-and counting). I feel that this is the perfect time to re-evaluate all of these resolutions, because the start of the new year is just like that rush to get that new gym membership – everyone’s doing it, and it’s something you can talk about with people at the dinner table while still gorging yourself with leftover turkey. I ran to Indigo and bought Wheat Belly and declared “I will be gluten free- nay, I will bake all my own bread, and somehow become Martha Stewart before classes start!” Needless to say this didn’t happen, and even though I’m trying to be healthier and ugh, cook more, I’m realizing that I need to stay focused on something that I actually want to accomplish whole-heartedly.

Therefore I think 15 days in is appropriate.  I’m back in the classroom and continuing the PR program- with some new classes- and I’m finding myself more and more challenged each day.  The idea of learning inDesign or working on my presentation skills makes me nervous- but I know it will help me gain those extra skills I need to in the industry.

Therefore my main resolution is to stay motivated.  It’s easy enough to get distracted in the program and only focus on the impending co-op, but I know I need to stay focused and continue to develop as a PR student.  I’m looking forward to the new challenges that 2013 brings, and I’m hoping that this blog post reiterates the passion I have for learning more about public relations and developing as a communicator (and if nothing else, gets me off the hook of going gluten-free).